Monday, January 02, 2006

happy new year

Hope every one had a wonderful new year.Mine was a lot of fun. So with the new year for me always brings those silly New year promises.I actually did this year and for once I am really going to try and do them here they are so you can hold me to it. 1. read my bible more just not read it but really study excerise on a daily bases ouch that one hurts.3. love more I want to love like JESUS loves. really love putting others before my self. Well thats just a few. Hope you all had a happy NEW YEAR. 6. my dad always did something special for me when he comes to visit.

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About Me

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I'm a mom to six amazing blessings. I am married to my best friend. I am a child of God. I am a big sinner saved by his Grace. My children are my life we have Jordan he rocks on drums. My Janae is a pro soccer player. Jacob is a artist, jesiah is a comedian in training by daddy, Jenna is our little princess on her way out of diapers. Baby Jace is exploring his world around him.