Monday, February 06, 2006

lifes ups and downs

I don't know which is scarrier the laundry or Janae.?

I spent my day at the hospital my daughter got hurt playing ball and her ankle got stepped on her and I were up all night.The x-ray showed no broken bones but she tore a ligament and she has a severe sprain fun fun fun.She is actually doing better I gave her some motrin and she is sleeping right now but when she is awake she is in pain.I sure didn't plan this one.I already hate Monday's now I hate them even more lol.Hope you have a fun Monday


Randi said...

Tell her that her leg looks GREAT all wrapped up like that!

I am glad she didn't break it--that can be quite messy!

Will be praying for her recovery...

Tanya Nichols said...

OHHH NOOOO her poooorrrr llleeegg...little sweetie clearly needs candy...

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Ick! Soccer? Full of injuries! :)

About Me

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I'm a mom to six amazing blessings. I am married to my best friend. I am a child of God. I am a big sinner saved by his Grace. My children are my life we have Jordan he rocks on drums. My Janae is a pro soccer player. Jacob is a artist, jesiah is a comedian in training by daddy, Jenna is our little princess on her way out of diapers. Baby Jace is exploring his world around him.