Friday, June 02, 2006


Good morning ladies,
Today is Friday I came across this verse in my quiet time this morning and thought I would share it with all of you. This verse literally reads that since God is for us who can be against us. As humans who have the tendencies to think that God is disappointed with us.Not true God is for you and he's for me.God views his people very highly and loves all of you very deeply already sees the end product and we are already glorified in his eyes.
Our sin is not to big for Him we are all blow it's and we have a God who wipes away are sin and makes it as white as snow. He loves all of you unconditionally you are His daughter. I hope all of you have a blessed Friday remembering how much our Lord and Savior Loves YOU.

I have some good news my husband is going to be giving notice at work today. He has had the Lord open up some amazing doors he is going to start working for our friend he will finally be able to get off of his knees. He has arthritis so bad the last time he saw the doctor he told him he better get a secretary job.Our pastor is going to go full time at our church soon and he will take ever that business. Lots of prayers for my honey thanks,


Randi said...

Exciting news, Char!

Could you give me a link to Jordan's blog, we can't get to it from the comments he leaves on Micah and Josiah's blog! ;)

Mrs. House Mouse said...

Sending up prayers for your honey!
Thank you for reminding me of this verse! I really needed it today!

Kate said...

Wow - that's great news for you hubby. I'm so glad to hear that relief for his knees is on the way. Hope he can heal from it and have it not affect him as much (or at all!)

About Me

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I'm a mom to six amazing blessings. I am married to my best friend. I am a child of God. I am a big sinner saved by his Grace. My children are my life we have Jordan he rocks on drums. My Janae is a pro soccer player. Jacob is a artist, jesiah is a comedian in training by daddy, Jenna is our little princess on her way out of diapers. Baby Jace is exploring his world around him.