Friday, June 30, 2006

Spoiled little brat.

This has been an incredible month.First my dad is completely healed of all of his horrible cancer. My husband quit his job based only on the direction the good Lord had for him. All of these changes in our lives and I am still a spoiled little brat. My husband has quit his job to be able to eventually buy our friends business. So here we are he has quit his job and now he is working for our friend he is training him so that he will be able to run this business. So on Wednesday we start out the morning looking at banks and interest rates. Well by the end of the day I was mad frustrated disappointed confused and angry. Why because things were not going my way.The bank wants this and the mortgage company says you did all of it backwards you should have stayed at your job. And on and jon everyone we turn people want money something we don't have right now. I was so angry not at me or hubby but at God yes my Lord and Savior the one we has blessed me so many times just in this month alone. I was like what are you thinking this is never going to work hello where are you? I was so angry that I did not or could not worship him that night at bible study.
So here I am sitting kind of listening to the study and than this still small voice says you should listen to this. I am still not even sure where we were at in the bible but the one thing that I heard so loud and clear is that I am spoiled and you expect it because I want it. OUCH big spanking I was like A spoiled child wanting my way. I threw God out completely and was not even trusting him even though I said it over and over again in my head it was not in my heart. God is so good He was gentle in my spanking and he gave me a really cool verse. Romans 12
Serving the Lord rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing steadfastly in prayer.I need to be patient he has it no matter what happens He has it. I need to wait on him and continue to serve Him resting in his arms laying at his feet.
Have a great weekend resting in your Fathers arms.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I have te most fantastic news my dad has been completely healed I said my dad is healed he had a petscan done and the results were unbeliveable.The huge tumors in his stomach are no longer cancer they are now scar tissue.The cancer in his lungs i his back and in his liver pancreas are gone. God is soooooooooooooo good my dad is compltley healed.He does not have to have radiation and he does not have to see his cancer doctor for three months.
I am so excited I am in total sock which is dumb on my part I know what my Lord is capable of doing you just never believe it until you actually see it and experience it.
Thanks for all of your prayers

Monday, June 05, 2006



I can't beleive that it is so hot here. The high today is suppose to be around 95 degrees. Hot Hot Hot my kids had so much fun today they used their imagination they were soldiers protecting each other. I t is so hard to concentrate on the summer school stuff that I wanted to get done. The out doors our calling our name.

Hope you all have a fun blessed summer days.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Good morning ladies,
Today is Friday I came across this verse in my quiet time this morning and thought I would share it with all of you. This verse literally reads that since God is for us who can be against us. As humans who have the tendencies to think that God is disappointed with us.Not true God is for you and he's for me.God views his people very highly and loves all of you very deeply already sees the end product and we are already glorified in his eyes.
Our sin is not to big for Him we are all blow it's and we have a God who wipes away are sin and makes it as white as snow. He loves all of you unconditionally you are His daughter. I hope all of you have a blessed Friday remembering how much our Lord and Savior Loves YOU.

I have some good news my husband is going to be giving notice at work today. He has had the Lord open up some amazing doors he is going to start working for our friend he will finally be able to get off of his knees. He has arthritis so bad the last time he saw the doctor he told him he better get a secretary job.Our pastor is going to go full time at our church soon and he will take ever that business. Lots of prayers for my honey thanks,

About Me

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I'm a mom to six amazing blessings. I am married to my best friend. I am a child of God. I am a big sinner saved by his Grace. My children are my life we have Jordan he rocks on drums. My Janae is a pro soccer player. Jacob is a artist, jesiah is a comedian in training by daddy, Jenna is our little princess on her way out of diapers. Baby Jace is exploring his world around him.